Studying in Japan?

Hi! I’m from the Philippines, and I am planning to study Chemical Engineering in Japan via a scholarship, as I’ve heard that there were some good chem universities in japan and I would like to ask for your opinions and perspectives regarding studying there.

The main reasons I’d like to study in Japan is mainly:
1. Not too far from home
2. Experience working/living abroad which could also add to my resume
3. Heard some good chem schools were from Japan
4. A new experience and scenery would be nice, and living by myself could also benefit my personal development

However, im only at an N5 level after self studying for 2 months, and I was wondering if I could still keep up with the lectures that they have there. I’d say my grades are pretty good, but if I choose to not study in Japan I’ll be going to USC, and I was wondering whether I’d have better opportunities abroad or in the Philippines (if I decide to come back) if I studied in Japan, compared to if I just studied here. Thank you!

by scrabbieeee

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