I’ve created Wordle in Japanese!
[Weeable](https://www.weeable.io/) uses [N5-N3](http://jlpt.jp/e/about/levelsummary.html) level Japanese vocabulary made up of 5 [Hiragana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiragana) characters.
Please let me know what you think and enjoy!
がんばって ください!
Weeable 3
hard. there are 71 hiragana including diacritics. my usual strategy of “guess 15 letters right away” doesn’t work
Weeable 3
Yeah what u/spazzydee said. Including dakuon and yōon I count at least 111 possible characters 😀
Weeable 3
Might be better with four instead of five
Weeable 3
pretty fun!!
Can’t ‘x’ out of the instructions?
I’m on an iPhone.
Very interesting! I found it quite hard, but I would still keep playing.
I couldn’t use my actual Japanese keyboard tho, I’d like to. I could only type “pure” sounds like た ほ きand not “impure” ones like が で or ぱ, and much less these にゃ or しょ which I don’t remember the name of. I’m on iPhone.
Oh and also using the Latin keyboard I couldn’t type っ as in がっこう. Normally it appears when you double a consonant other than n, but I couldn’t type it in.
And one last suggestion. How about adding another color? Orange or whatever to indicate for instance when I input し and the answer has じ. I think that’s one way to address the difficulty without overtuning.
Anyways, nice job 🙂
I have realized I don’t know as many 5 kana words as I thought I did.
Weeable 3
‘How to play’ popped up once then never again, I had to open it in another browser to read the instructions! You really need to put a ? or a i icon to display it again.
Not having a lit of blocked out characters is a really big hindrance.
Well done though! You have done the hard development work with the back end part, now just need better UI.
At the end I got redirected to Jisho but there was nothing in the text box, and when I clicked back it was reset, so I have no idea what the words was! EDIT: The second time, the word appeared in Jisho, wonder how I messed it up the first time? The URL is clearly /search/word so that was strange.
Edit again, hey no, I can replicate the bug! When I finish it the first time, the link to Jisho is href=”[https://jisho.org/search/](https://jisho.org/search/)” and that’s it! BUT…. after I reload the screen, it puts the word at the end. Weird. Maybe the value isn’t there until after you have completed it and reloaded.
Weeable 4
I feel so powerful. Thank you
I thought the difficulty was just right, given that the N5-N3 vocab limits it to common words, but I could only play once so maybe I got lucky. Is it also a daily thing like wordle? Anyway, very cool! Thanks!
I did it! I’m so happy!. This was fun man!
This is awesome OP. I enjoyed bumbling my way through lol. Thank you for making it and sharing it. 🙂
Okay so I’m using an iphone and I used safari to open the link. Everything works fine until I type in the hiragana characters. When I type one hiragana character, there are two characters put in. For example when I type た, instead of reading just one “た” it takes “たた” as the input. Idk if this is something that only I experienced ? Anyways the concept seemed really exciting. If you fix it or find a way for me to fix it, let me know. Would love to play it! 🙂
Yes it will be daily 😀
So cool!!
I can’t seem to load a new word after winning? I probably don’t know enough about Wordle
How do I play this.
Are there instructions?
Reckon you should go with 4 characters, not 5. The excessive 2 letter consonants in Japanese make this more practical IMO
Awesome! I was lucky and got 3/6. Great that you shared and thank you for posting.
This is great, thanks for this.
My only feedback at the moment is that the share button didn’t work for me.
I cant tell you how much this lifted my spirits getting it right on the first try. Some days I feel like my studying is going nowhere and this really encouraged me! Thank you so much!! 💛
Weeable 27
I’m so happy, I didn’t think there was a chance in hell I would find the word because I suck at vocabulary. Thank you for this, it’s fun and useful!!