Conservatives in LDP lash out over same-sex marriage ruling

Conservatives in LDP lash out over same-sex marriage ruling

by BostonSubwaySlut

  1. Funny how the party of “family values” is out there engaging in *checks notes*.

    Sex parties.

    Values. Right.

  2. >The court ruled the absence of same-sex marriage provisions, including in the Civil Law, violates the first paragraph of Article 24 in the Constitution, which defines freedom of marriage.

    Funny, the LDP wrote out of existence the civil protections guaranteed to foreigners when they drafted the constitution and now are upset that their intentional omissions are hypocritical of the same damn constitution that was approved.

    >The high court’s presiding judge also took the unusual step of making an additional remark that calls for prompt response measures.

    Considering that judges generally are not supposed to be creating laws, yeah it’s unusual they are asking law makers to… make laws that clarifies things that were purposefully ignored for 80+ years

    >Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, however, has not backed down from his cautious stance on the issue.

    “I’m defiant”!

    >“The government, at least, does not believe that the lack of same-sex marriage provisions is unconstitutional,” Kishida said at the March 15 Upper House Budget Committee session.

    Do your damn job! Stop bitching.

    you either follow what your court orders do what the court tells you to do, which is to make and enforce laws or… the courts will create legal authorizations that bypasses your sovereign authority until you do.

    It’s the same argument with every other part of the constitution. If you can’t follow the constitution or make it followed, then Japanese people will begin to go “fuck it” on all other laws.

    Income tax? Fuck it. No littering? Fuck it. Stealing neighbor’s underwear, folding it, and organizing it by color? Fuck it

  3. I hope the asteroid that kills these LDP dinosaurs is flaming and faaaaabulous.

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