Down payment / loan question

I got a bunch of great info from you guys in my other thread. Now I’m weighing couple different options so if you all don’t mind I got another few questions

Background – me, dual citizenship, currently not a RESIDENT in Japan. Working / living in the US. Planning on retiring to Japan relatively soon at which point will establish RESIDENCY.

My girlfriend, (will be married near future), is a Japanese citizen, working a salaried job in Japan.

Scenario – want to buy a house preferably with a loan because interest rates are insanely low and the yen is weak. I can’t qualify for a loan because I’m not a RESIDENT, girlfriend can. I have cash, she does not.

1. Can I put a large chunk towards a down payment without me being a RESIDENT? And have the rest of the balance be a loan through my girlfriend?

2. If yes, would that put both of us on the title at differing percentage of ownership?

3. I get that the gift tax is 110万, does being married change anything? Google is giving me conflicting info.

4. Kinda same question as 3 but in the future when married, would I be able to pay off the (I guess her) mortgage balance? I certainly do not want a mortgage payment no matter how low for 35 freakin years.

5. If I wanted to rent it out after a year or two, would I be able to keep the same mortgage rate? I believe rental houses and primary residences have different interest rates but wondering if it’s like the US where if you live there for a year you can convert it to rental property with the same low interest rate

Thank you all in advance for your knowledge and info! I did try to do my due diligence and Google my answers but not getting much solid answers


by DegreeConscious9628

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