What can I use in conjunction with Renshuu?

I have been studying Japanese on and off for about 3 years. Nothing has been able to hold my attention and I end up getting discouraged or overwhelmed then stop (looking at you Anki). But I have been using Renshuu to try and get a fresh start, and I finally started enjoying the learning process.

But to my main question, what can I use in conjunction with renshuu? To preface, I am a uni student so I only have maybe between 2-4 hours each day when I’m not in class. I try to get my renshuu in daily in this time, but I was wondering if there are any reccomended things I can use to help further propel my studies. Preferably not *too* time intensive, since I am at uni all day throughout the week.
I’m not trying to be picky, just prefacing that I might not nescasarily have the time everyday to completely disect an episode of anime each day! (as i’d like to keep my japanese studies daily as much as possible without *too* much interferance with my studies \[I am aware that some sacrafice is required ofc\])
Thank you in advance!

by RashBandiscoot69

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