How do I permanently move to Japan?

I’m 21, pursuing a 5 year integrated law degree. I’m about to get in my 3rd year. I have been thinking of going to Japan and found various means to do so, although I am not really confident about my plans. So I have two plans:

1. Do Masters in Economics in one of the Japanese Universities after i graduate from my law degree course and then look for a job in Japan.

2. Go to Japan for studying LLM. My country’s law and Japan’s law are not even remotely similar so I’m not much certain about this plan. But mostly, I’ll do LLM in international law, try to get a job in one of many international firms.

These two are my plans, I’m thinking of coming up with more but I’d love it if somebody pointed out any flaws in my plans or gave me some valuable advice.

Thank you!

by Cautious-Source859

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