Is it common for laborers to just lie to you?

Recently had an electrician come by and tell me through my housing agency that my light bulbs are responsible for breaking the light switch. My journeyman electrician husband explained to me that that is not feasibly possible, but I was alone during this encounter and just had to take this blatant lie.

Previously had a mechanic tell me that they would have to break my front windshield to replace the wipers of my older car. Also untrue as it is still currently intact, we did have to remove the dash though.

Is it because I’m foreign? A woman? Not an electrician/maintenance personnel in the moment?

Edit: I guess the distinction I was trying to make was the fact that in all of these instances it was to refuse service. The mechanic told us the lie to tell us they wouldn’t do it and the technician/electrician also wanted to avoid doing any work.

  1. As far as I know : yes, everywhere to everybody for one reason or another they think, for one reason or another, will buy their lie.

    Thought they could actually be saying the truth and you being a smartass / paranoid / idiot / whatever / …

    If you are not sure just ask to think about it and try to find people knowing better for more advice.

  2. It just depends on the nature of the person. The guy who repaired our laundry machine blamed it on us for having dogs, saying that there was too much dog hair inside the machine from washing pet blankets.

  3. Tradespeople say the darndest things all over the world. Sometimes because they don’t know better, sometimes because you don’t know better and they can cut a corner. Hashtag not all tradespeople, of course. Factor in that not knowing the solution to a problem is a potential shame grenade here, so people might sooner make something up. I’ve only ever needed an electrician once here when my fuse box started smelling like it was about to catch fire. And he was lovely and blamed the piss poor wiring.

  4. Japanese wages are so low for repairmen and mechanics, these are the people they end up with. Sounds like they’re ignorant and avoid jobs outside basic tasks.

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