How useful is JLPT Certification for Job Hunting?

I’m a fairly fresh Software Engineering Graduate looking to move to Japan sometime within the next year. I’m not in a rush, and I’d like to do the process right.


I’m wondering – how much would a JLPT-N5 certification *actually* help me land a job? A lot of what I’ve been looking over at []( doesn’t *require* much of any Japanese-language familiarity. It seems like a silly question, but in some wild way my head is thinking that a company looking for completely green new employees might even see it as a downside. I’d *like* to take the test this July if I could, and I’ve been grinding out Genki 1 for just that purpose, but I’d like to make sure this effort will give me some level of a boost in terms of job hunting and won’t be wasted.

by Feisty_Fact_8429

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