Donald Trump “Weak yen is a disater for US economy”

Donald Trump “Weak yen is a disater for US economy”

by chrisandjayandtom

  1. Tbh, he is right to some extent. At this rate, Toyota gonna pass Tesla in market cap soon. IMF also admits weak yen has a net positive effect for Japanese economy.

  2. > Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, who is now Japan’s prime minister

    Suga probably had a panic attack

  3. Also Trump: “ Can we nuke the hurricane?” Who cares what this moron thinks?

  4. And the poop in my baby’s diaper this morning looked like Jesus. Both of similar worth.

  5. Weak yen strengthens the advantage of Japanese exporters in the US market. Trump is right in that sense.

  6. Thanks, “guy who called Mike Flynn at 3 AM to ask if a strong dollar or weak dollar was better for America”

  7. He is now out of dollars and is looking to get a better exchange rate when he exchanges his Saudi and Russian currency to pay off his penalties for being a convicted fraud. That’s why he’s started his inane ramblings about the ‘problems with a strong dollar’. Donald Trump only cares about one thing in the world; everyone else is a sucker and loser.

  8. How anybody seeks the opinion of this pathological lying crook is beyond me? Dude is literally a cartoon character at this point. Same ill-fitting blue/suit red tie, orange skin, same weird hand gestures in every single picture.

  9. Old man thinks it’s still the 1980s. Or he just never left that decade (aside from dictating his tweets to some poor twit).

  10. >“Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, who is now Japan’s prime minister“

    Hasn’t been for three years now.

  11. he’s not inherently wrong. it’s a balance.

    like, as an american traveling to japan, it’s awesome because my dollar is going to buy so much in japan. domestically though, it means people from japan are going to be less able to travel to america due to how expensive it will be.

    getting off of tourism, there are going to be impacts on the cost of producing goods in america, which in turn results in more expensive goods that are harder to sell abroad (not to mention domestically. lots of people aren’t willing to pay a premium to buy american if there are two equivalent products). one way to get around this is outsourcing jobs (which while this allows for lower production costs, obviously isn’t a great thing for americans)

    also worth noting, his statement looks to have been broader than JUST talking about comparison to the yen, but was talking about the dollar vs all the major currencies.

  12. We don’t need that freak to tell us obvious things we already all know. 

    Just throw his rapy ass in prison already.

  13. Why does he hate Japan this much… oh wait, never mind. He did have a talk about Japan bad back in his young days

  14. This guy doesn’t know anything about anything except whining and bullying people on Twitter like a teenager girl

  15. Why do the Japanese care what this piece of shit Nazi rapist has to say about anything?

  16. Everyone should take this as a warning that Trump will sever ties with Japan if he is reelected.

    Vote blue like your life depends on it.

  17. I don’t like Trump but this is 100% on point, they are blatantly manipulating the currency. There’s significant inflation and yet still actively diluting using every method available.

  18. Anyone here have truth social to verify he said that? I dont have truth social.

  19. To be honest I’d be shocked if Trump knew a single fact about Japan outside their currency is the yen.

  20. Exchange rates balance themselves out in the long run. But in the long run we are all dead

  21. I’d rather not get monetary thoughts from a man who bankrupts himself constantly morally and literally.  
    Forbes y’all ought to have someone better on your own damn staff 😂

  22. this man has worse things to worry about than the USA economy.

    such as worrying about looking like a DQ stuffed cheeto

  23. For US citizens stocks in Japan*

    The lower prices from the weak yen will only help anyone importing from japan

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