Cycling through Fukushima issues

Hey everyone

I’m planning on doing some cycling in various parts of Tohoku in the next year or so, and am wondering if it possible to cross from Tomioka to Namie (basically riding up Route 6) by bicycle?

That stretch is a distance of around 50km give or take, so very easy to do in a few hours (but probably around 4-5 at my touring speed).

Google Maps traffic shows that the main roads are being used, but of course that is most likely clean-up crews and not regular traffic.

I know that the Joban Line trains have started going through that area again safely.

Another map I saw showed where road checks are set up on each side of the affected zone. I assume that this is where a bicycle would or wouldn’t be allowed access.

Anyone been in that area know if it is possible to ride, or if passing through on the train with my bike packed up is the only option?

Also, if there are legal ways to get official permission, and you have a link, let me know.

Cheers and have a good weekend!

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