Are those anti-mosquito incense burner spiral things safe?

I have a young kid, and my wife loves to use them in many places. The scent is pretty strong, and you have a literal fire lit on them, so I am wondering how safe they are.
Are the fumes safe for humans, especially young kids I worry. Are they they a fire hazard? Anyone know the details on these?

  1. The only issue is the smoke and other combustion byproducts they create. It’s better to switch to the electric vaporizer types for indoor use.

    But, if they are for indoor use, invest in some screens.

  2. Unless you’re using them in small enclosed spaces (where any smoke is bad) they are safe. Many generations of Japanese people grew up with those, including myself, and we’re doing fine.

    Your primary concern is the fire hazard aspect. Just make sure it’s set above a plate or something non-flammable so when the ashes fall off there’s no chance of something getting lit on fire. Also tell your kid not to go near it (or they learn the hard way like I did)

  3. Looking on Wikipedia, the fumes don’t appear to be dangerous with typical use (the coils themselves are made from pyrethrum, which is non-toxic to mammals).

    There is apparently a fire risk when used indoors. My family used them all the time in Australia when I was growing up and they were always pretty safe, though.

  4. There is always a risk if you burn stuff at home, incense fume is consider to be [harmless]( but still could cause asthma if you burn a bunch in a tight space without good air circulation. Even switching to electric one, small kid might get an electric shock if they stick their finger in it.

    Personally I like to place some live plants like basil, lemongrass, or mint near window or doors which can help on repel mosquito and other pest.

  5. I bought some cat shaped metal carrier for hiking purpose at a 100en shop (I think Seria). It is for small one. If you are worried about the open burning perhaps it would ease your mind, thought you will still have to put it in a ceramic plate or so and away from child reach.

    I have also seen different type of carrier where the burner spiral is actually inside some shape, which reduce chance of burning materal easily flying away, but you will still have to put it out of children reach as they could make it fall. By duckandgoing : incense mosquitoes burner japan, you should be able to see a few option. I have seen the pig one at 300 in Daiso some year ago. Not sure they are still doing it and since halloween season as strted perhaps it would have been removed from the store.

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