Is My Japan Itinerary Too Ambitious? Need Advice!

Hey fellow travelers,

I’m planning a trip to Japan, and I’ve put together the following itinerary. However, I’m wondering if it’s too packed or if I should adjust my plans. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

1. **Tokyo (4 days)**:Exploring akibahara, visiting iconic landmarks like the Tokyo Skytree, Shibuya Crossing, and enjoying delicious street food, teamlab and monkey kart.
2. **Kyoto (4 days)**: Immersing myself in traditional Japanese culture, visiting temples, shrines, and strolling through historic streets like Gion.
3. **Nara (1 day)**: Checking out the friendly deer at Nara Park.
4. **Osaka (3 days)**: Savoring street food in Dotonbori, exploring Osaka Castle, and experiencing the vibrant nightlife, also universal.
5. **Nagoya (2 days)**: Discovering Nagoya Castle, exploring the Osu Shopping District, and trying local delicacies.
6. **Hiroshima (2 days)**: The Peace Memorial Park, visiting the Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island, and enjoying Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki.
7. **Spend last days in Tokyo (2 days)**: Wrapping up the trip, doing any last-minute shopping, and catching my flight back home.

Is this too ambitious? Should I cut down on any destinations or allocate more time to specific places? Let me know your thoughts and any must-see spots I might have missed!

by bewud

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