How is “antisocial forces” 反社会的勢力, defined in Japan?

How is “antisocial forces” 反社会的勢力, defined in Japan?反社会的勢力_defined_in_japan/

  1. How is antisocial forces defined where you are? First I’ve ever heard of it

  2. A very rudimentary search leads to believe there is no legal definition, if that’s what you are looking for. It’s a catchall term for organized crime, scammers, extortionists, and such. The [Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members]( does not use the term – which is where I would think it should show up.

  3. There’s a desk at your city or ward office where you can submit your Yakuza membership registration form.

    If you don’t do that, then you’re not an official antisocial force, just antisocial.

  4. I work in real estate and every contract has to has a clause saying that neither party is a member of a violent gang 暴力団 or an associated organization. This is what is meant by antisocial forces. The police maintain a list of these organizations, and it is entirely mafia-related.

    There are not, for example, anarchist or politically subversive groups on the list.

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