Does anyone know why to draw it differently compared to how “ri” actually looks like? Is it just a bug in the app? Im really comfused. Thankful for answers <3

Does anyone know why to draw it differently compared to how “ri” actually looks like? Is it just a bug in the app? Im really comfused. Thankful for answers <3

  1. Depending on the font, the “uptick” on the leftmost stroke may or may not connect to the stroke on the right. The way they have you trace is more “standard”.

  2. It’s a difference in font type. Usually, while computer fonts mostly use 1 stroke, in handwriting it’s broken in two strokes.

    If you are having trouble with remebering both as the same, notice how the same movement creates both characters.

    It’s actually nothing that special, whe do the same thing multiple times with the roman characters and arabic numerals.

  3. It can be written as both. You’ll see き and さ also often written as two separate strokes. It’s just how it is.

  4. the katakana version is the one you wrote wich also is the most popular way of writing “Ri” the hiragana versjon doesn’t really get to much used with handwriting have i seen

    (I am now aware that this is wrong)

  5. Look at this character: a

    Chances are, that’s probably not the way you actually write the letter a, it’s just a different font. The same thing is true with り, there’s more than one way to write it.

  6. This confused me as well during my first semester. I always thought there was a clear difference between hiragana and katakana with りリ but it turned out it’s just a font thing. This makes へ not that special anymore.

  7. bc when handwritten ri has a break. just like sa. you never connect the line if it’s handwritten. kind of similar to how you would almost never write an “a” like how it looks on a keyboard

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