Sale of U.S. mutual funds resulting in a change in tax bracket?

So I’m scrambling to get my numbers together as I’m late to file and I had a few questions. I’m an NPR and work for a company with a salary around 4M yen.

I sold a large amount of my mutual fund last year resulting in about 4M yen of capital gains. The amount I remitted to Japan last year was 700,000 yen, the rest stayed in the U.S.

My employer withheld the appropriate taxes based on my salary, but how does the income resulting from the sale of foreign shares change my tax bracket? Would I have to pay more withholding taxes that weren’t covered by my salary?

I’m also trying to figure out how dividends should be calculated. I first took all the dividends line item by line item and added them up and it totaled the correct amount listed under income for the year. But some of it was tax deferred, so the number I totaled doesn’t match the 1099-DIV. I’m kind of desperate here, so would it be safe to just use the amount I totaled which is actually more money than reported on the 1099-DIV?

I read that long term shares in Japan are those held longer than 5 years and the taxable amount becomes 50%. When calculating capital gains for long term assets do I take the gain (arrived at by using TSM on the purchase date value to yen and TBM on the sale date value and subtracting to get the difference) and then just multiply by 0.5 to get the taxable amount? Then multiply that by .20315 to get the tax to be paid?

Thank you for any help!

by OvertechB

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