Taxes when working outside Japan for 6-8 months

I’m planning a long visit home. I have a 3 year spousal visa atm. I already quit my job end of last year in anticipation of this, so my income for the current year is considered 0, and unemployed. I’m assuming if this continued while here i’d have to go file this next march so what would happen if i leave and im not here to do it?

I plan to work for a company while there so go on the payroll. I am a birth citizen there and will be living with my parents in that time.

I am worried this will cause complications tax-wise. In the UK with PAYE such taxes will be paid at source as i earn them. I’m pretty sure i’d become a tax resident after 6 months too.

Would i need to unregister as a resident at my local city hall? Would this cause an issue on visa renewal or PR applications in next 2 years?

Lastly, i’m on my wife’s health insurance atm with her company, so would i need to tell her to take me off it?

This is highly confusing to me. I’m aware of 180 day rules and such, but how would this affect a self assessment on return to Japan?? Would I have to declare what I earned in the UK in those 6 months? Would i I get a discount on taxes due to already paying them in the UK at source? What if i’m not in Japan come time to report this years income for the portion of the year i spent here? Its making my head spin from my understanding.

I just wanna visit home for an extended period and earn while i’m there. I dont want to cheat the system get in trouble, worse yet get screwed over a mistake come time to apply for PR

by Acerhand

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