Should I go to Japan or not ?

Got it! Here’s the revised version:

“I’m a 26-year-old black guy almost done with cinematography school in the US. My dad’s starting a media company in Virginia, and my original plan was to move there. However, it’s in its early stages and not guaranteed. I live in Michigan, and my son’s mother would love for me to go to Japan to give him more experiences. I’m torn between jumping on this opportunity or sticking to my plan of going to language school in Japan. I want to create content for international companies, such as advertisements. I would also like to vlog my experience and practice my cinematography in Japan because you only live once. However, I don’t know if I’m dooming myself to have a harder and longer journey trying to make content for marketing teams for companies. Also, my father is the type of person who doesn’t really give second chances. If I’m not on board, he’s going to move on without me and probably won’t give me a second chance. I shoot with a Sony FX6 and I’m still learning the camera. I have the flexibility because me and my son’s mom are not together but we are friends still. What would you do?”

by Diligent-Design2434

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