Teaching in Japan as a path to retirement

Hello everyone! I’d like to know if my husband and I’s life plan is feasible. This all won’t be happening for another 10-15 years.

My husband is a science teacher at an international school. We plan on working and living abroad for the next 10-15 years saving money until we’re able to r/coastfire.

Once we’ve reached this coastfire stage, we were planning on my husband getting a job at an international school in Japan that would be enough to pay for monthly expenses. We would live and work in Japan until we’re able to apply for permanent residence. When checking how many points he would have at that stage, he would be at around 105. We would then buy a house and live off of our investments while my husband continues to work if he wishes.

We’re currently in our late twenties to early thirties.

Of course there’s so many things that could potentially go wrong here which is why I’m asking if this plan is possible!

Would appreciate any and all advice 🙂

by Turbulent-Summer648

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