How to Make Sushi at Home

How to Make Sushi at Home

How to Make Sushi at Home from sushi

  1. It’s a good start, but a few things to keep in mind:

    The rice is overcooked/watery and squished onto the nori instead of being spread out, this will affect the texture and make it mushy. A rice cooker can definitely help prevent overcooking if you can afford it!

    The nori is cut in the wrong direction – this causes the roll to become more easily overstuffed because the nori is too thin for filling. I can see that the person in the video is struggling with this as the toppings are all squishing out before making an edit where either they fixed the issue or just made another roll.

    Also I noticed that they use a bit of water beforehand, but the rice is still sticking to their hands a lot. For this, I highly recommend using a bit of rice vinegar in the water mixture as it helps prevent stickiness a little better, if they haven’t done so already.

    I hope this helps!

  2. Yes stick the roll in the fridge for a while to make the rice stale and the nori nice and soggy 👌

  3. You sushi is terrible.

    My sushi also was terrible. It’s not terrible anymore.

    Keep trying.

  4. You really need to keep practicing before you start to even think about putting out tutorials.

  5. Damn, I was feeling like snob/Dick watching this because of all my Thoughts, then I read the comments and at the end of the day, we have all been there, but the comments are spot on, there is a lot to not like here and probably not best idea making a tutorial vid about something you have a long way to go on.

    That said, it is alot of fun to get your sushi from where it is now to restaurant at home so listen to alot of the tips and have fun.

  6. My brother (sushi chef) would 100% shake his head at this video.

    Also not sure why she mentions putting the sushi on the fridge before cutting. You can cut it right after rolling it with a good knife and a bit of water on it.

  7. I don’t even know how to make a sushi roll but I know this is so wrong lmaoo why would you post a “tutorial” and you don’t even know how to do it properly?

  8. how do you keep rice from sticking to the knife when cutting the rolls?

    I need to wash my knife constantly or it gets sticky. any tips?

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