Will there be an issue if my job ends while my dependent’s business manager visa is processing?


Our visas don’t expire until July 2025.

I’m on my final year of the JET Programme and my contract will end around August 2024. My husband, currently a dependent under my visa, has applied for a Business Manager Visa with a lawyer who is “almost certain” it will be approved. The lawyer says it typically takes 3 months for the visa to be approved in Tokyo. We are applying in Hiroshima (edit: note that we don’t live in Hiroshima; see edit below please).

What I’m worried about is what will happen if immigration does not finish processing his application before my job ends. After notifying immigration that my job had ended in July, will there be a problem with his visa, or will they not likely care unless if it gets to be 3 months later (the grace period after job ends)/ 6 months total?

Our current visas are valid until July 2025 by the way. But I’m not sure if it will make a difference that I don’t have a job while we wait for his visa to process, if it takes that long. I have heard it’s important to not stop working while a PR application is in-process, so that’s why I’m wondering if it’s the same with this.


Edit: If you’re wondering why we waited until the last minute to apply, it’s because my husband was out of the country caring for a family member with a terminal illness until early this year. His lawyer advised not to leave the country with a pending application. Sadly the relative has passed away so we are sure to stay in country now and have therefore submitted it.

Edit 2: Someone DMed me about Hiroshima-specific things but I just want to clarify I don’t live in Hiroshima. That’s just where my husband’s business headquarters is and where the application was sent.

by PleaseHaveCompassion

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