Golden week is going to be fun

Our manager told us this morning that golden week is going to be next week Friday-Saturday-Sunday I was going to ask him if he meant golden Friday 😆

by BBJapan2023

  1. I’m getting 10 days in a row off for GW, but my wife and kids are only getting the national holidays off so we can’t even do anything really lol.

    Maybe I’ll finally get around to playing Baldur’s gate 3

  2. It’s one three-day weekend and one four-day weekend this year. Screwed by the calendar. Next year will be worse because one mid-week holiday and one four-day weekend. Add PTO to make two four-day weekends, I guess.

  3. It’s not terribly uncommon for some employees to still have to work during GW. They may get the actual holidays off, but I have coworkers in other departments of my company that still work next week.

  4. Such a dumb system to have to rethink the days each year. Just make it a blanket week off

    Anyway got talked into Tokyo -again-

    The plan was to stay home but the lady “kinda wanted to go” then our other couple friends are definitely going. Meaning I had to buy tickets and power through high hotel prices on Monday lol. I wanted to go to evo but did not sign up which is entirely why I decided to stay home this year… but dang now I gotta go and it’s sold out 

    Window shopping for three days it is I guess haha

  5. Hospitality, so it’s all hands on deck for golden week. Even us back office workers get to help front facing positions.

    On the upside, we just take days off at a different time of year (for people who actually use them). I honestly prefer having time off when the entire country isn’t on a collective holiday.

  6. I’m doing big brain moves and keeping my class it’s regular schedule with the first week as normal and the 5th week as holiday.

  7. Depends, does your company do national holidays or corporate holidays? If you do corporate holidays he might be correct.

  8. I’ve decided to take vacation even without plans just to get away from work for longer than a few days

    So I’m very happy to be off from 26 April until 6 May. Just Cannae be arsed with work at the moment and have 33 days of vacation to take this year.

  9. I went to Taiwan last week and got my traveling done early while working remote. GW proper will just be chilling around Tokyo with friends

  10. I’m moving house in GW. In other bright ideas I’ve decided to vigorously slam my genitalia in a Hi-ace van door, sandpaper my arse, wax an owl and possibly try and change some zoning permits on a windows 95 computer while learning the shamisen.

  11. This is our first year in Japan

    What is Golden week?

    What do people do during Golden week?

    Does anyone have any recommendations that would be memorable for us to do?

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