What to do in Japan in the evening? (after 8pm)

Solo traveler (22 M), I’ll go to Japan in July for around 20 days,I’ve renounced to go with an organized group tour due to inflexibility with the Gion Matsuri coincidence, price and short travel length.
Even though I’ll stay in hostels it usually takes me 1 or 2 whole days to befriend someone so I’ll be on my own the whole trip and that can get boring.
I plan to sleep in Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto and Osaka.
The problem is that I don’t want to waste my evenings watching Netflix or going to bed at 9pm but I’m not a clubbing guy and I neither like dancing or singing so this type of locals isn’t for me, even if I’d go I’ll just be passive and anxious in a corner.
I’d like to find something to do every evening but I have no idea what type of entertainment I can find, movie theater every evening? Boring. Can someone help me get ideas?

EDIT: don’t recommend me strip clubs, two people have already tried, I’m not looking for that stuff.

Edit2: false alarm, don’t do it though (+ I’ve also change month, I’ll go in JULY not April)

by lWanderingl

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