Japan town to block Mount Fuji view due to badly behaved foreign tourists

Japan town to block Mount Fuji view due to badly behaved foreign tourists

by frozenpandaman

  1. I’m starting to see a pattern here. Alas, there’s no easy solution and it will only get worse as Japan is becoming insanely popular as a touristic destination.

  2. This picture of this article is Fuji from ”Tago no Ura”


  3. A Chinese hotel owner got caught poisoning trees of an elderly Japanese family that blocked his hotels view of Mount Fuji. I hope the town builds a giant ugly billboard in front of hotel

  4. Yeah, when people start maliciously ignoring rules it unfortunately becomes shared responsibility

  5. The thing I don’t understand is that people see this amazing view on their Instagram. So they go to this same location, trample the grad and flowers, take the same photo, and then post it on their own Instagram. So stupid.

    Basically why I haven’t posted anything in ages. Someone else has already posted it.

  6. When I went fishing in Lake Kawaguchi this year it was crazy. Tourists were flocking to take pictures of that Lawson’s on a cloudy day when you could not see Fuji

  7. Having grown up in a city which I’d always thought was a big tourist destination but I had no idea how popular it would become I can tell you I have a lot of sympathy for these towns. 

    At the end of the day it only takes one or two arseholes to ruin it for everyone but the real issue is just, unfortunately, over tourism. Most countries would rather take the money rather than become like Bhutan for example. 

  8. I don’t understand what is so interesting about that particular view? There are thousands of places to get a good view of Fuji up there

  9. How cringey is that wanting to take a picture with a conbini in the view. FFS Japan is just full of these shitty cringey low class foreign tourists at the moment.

  10. I wonder if having visa restrictions would solve this issue like Japan has for us Indians

  11. I’ve got it. Since the worst of these nuisance tourists are driven by the insatiable urge to take the same picture they’ve seen a million times on social media, let’s make it the social media platforms’ problem. Every picture of the Mt. Fuji Lawson (or other common nuisance tourism photos) requires Instagram and TikTok a 5000 yen fee for licensing Japan’s unique tangible cultural heritage, or whatever it is they’re calling all the places that don’t quite meet UNESCO certification. See how much air is left in that balloon once the Gram starts treating Mt. Fuji like the female nipple to get out of paying outrageous fees about it.

    It’s not censorship, it’s a license to preserve the heritage, or whatever.

    (This may be an obvious joke, but I’m not hearing a lot of other ideas that don’t involve jail cells or literal wolves)

  12. You know what? These types of tourists can just f off. I drove through that street a few weeks ago and it was absolute chaos. Just standing in the middle of the road, holding up traffic, tourists on rental scooters going the wrong way down the street.

    Its a main prefectural road, someone is going to get hit by a dump truck and I wouldnt even bat an eye

  13. To all those that downvoted me a few weeks ago for saying this trend of banning tourists will get worse “haha” 

  14. I was down there a couple of weeks ago enjoying the views and this woman was doing a photoshoot, her photographer very rudely and aggressively told me, not asked me, to get out of the way so he could photograph her. I just smiled at him and said “ah sumimasen, no speak english” , and carried on standing there. I felt so bad for the locals and also felt bad to be a tourist there adding to the trouble even if I was doing my best to be respectful.

  15. There are so many better views of Mt. Fuji from a hundred different streets in Kawaguchiko… It’s just baffling to me that people are so determined to check this off a list of activities, especially when so many others are vying for the exact same picture.

  16. I think social media influencers caused this.

    Promoting spots like this, or showing bad behaviour like shaking the Sakura trees for pictures or even promoting a small elderly owned restaurant where it only sits 5-10 people and clearly they’re too old to handle an influx of customers.

    It’s sad too because in the comments, there will be people warning the influencers but some will stay ignorant about it.

  17. A lot of people seem to assume the majority of these trolls are just American tourists, based on western media. In reality, a LOT of the loud, obnoxious, tourists are actually Chinese and they don’t seem to give a fuuuck while I am over there.

  18. Just visited Japan for the first time and i was shocked by the amount of tourists. Most I saw were being respectful and good tourists but did come across some rather rude Europeans and Australians in Tokyo and Osaka

  19. There’s a quote attributed to Haruki Murakami: “if you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking”. That seems to apply here in spades.

    I don’t think this is just a tourist thing though. Many years ago I went to see the Meoto Iwa (“wedded rocks”) in Mie. Apparently the guidebook has a “recommended photo spot”, for people who aren’t willing to think for themselves. And true to form, when we arrived, there were a dozen photographers (mainly older men, all Japanese as far as I could tell) all crowded into the exact same area, all packing telephoto zooms on tripods, shooting the exact same scene. I found a spot maybe fifty meters away from them and got a shot I was rather pleased with, not least because it was my shot, not the guidebook’s.

    It’s not just a tourist problem. It’s a mindless behaviour, sheep-like, conformity problem.

  20. Was there recently, and the bad behavior came with the mass of people. Especially day trip tourism being brought in by busses should be limited.

  21. I live in an area of Japan that has more or less 0 tourism, and I am happier about that every single day

  22. The solution is extreme fining and jailing. Popular tourist destinations are way too lenient on what is still a minority of the tourists that behave like pigs.
    I just returned from Japan and even though some of the places I went were crowded with tourists, they were still reprimanded for shit behavior when it occurred, even by fellow tourists.

    Fine them until they have to leave the country in a panic with empty wallets. Fill your coffers with spoils from selfish morons 👍. I saw that Venice has started charging a small entry fee for tourists. Good! It’s trash compensation, use the money to discipline badly behaving tourists. Now start harshly fining those that behave bad. People from countries with decadent, selfish, arrogant inhabitants that have no discipline or shame need to learn the hard way.

  23. I was at Fujinomiya a few months ago, and it was *insane* how rude people were just trying to get a photo by this damn Lawson’s. Shame it’s happening, but FAFO.

  24. I would love to visit these destinations one day, but please close them off if they’re not being respected

  25. I would never act this way…. So embarrassing

    Good news is as travelers you can see what’s trending and then just not go there

  26. Was in Japan last year and saw signs about no pics in Kyoto. Asked our tour guide and he said it was because of rich Chinese and Koreans hiring professional photographers to follow them around going where they weren’t allowed.

  27. I think that’s great. Can we get the Pisa tower wrapped up as well? I can’t stand the fuckers pretending to hold it while I’m on my way to work.

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