Trip Report: 36 days across western Japan, Part 3 [as a solo traveller] – Kobe/Himeji, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Mie (day trips)

* This is a continuation post from Part 1 [here]( (Day 0\~9, Shikoku\~Hiroshima) and Part 2 [here]( (Day 10\~18, Hiroshima\~Shimane\~Tottori/Misasa Onsen\~Kinosaki Onsen)
* Refer to link for a map covering Day 19\~23 [here]( and Day 24 [here](
* This post covers between Kobe (Day 19) to Osaka with multiple day trips out (Day 24).
* This trip occurred during Mid-November to Mid-December (autumn season).

**Day 19 – Kobe, Maiko Promenade, Akashi-Kaikyo Exhibition Centre/Bridge (Hyogo)**

Made an [early rainy start]( from Kinosaki Onsen towards Kobe via the limited express [*Hamakaze*]( As it was a very early departure (\~0712), the owner kindly prepared my breakfast in a [bento setbox]( which I was appreciative of, so that I can have my breakfast on the train. The ride down to Kobe took \~2.5 hours which was pretty long, though by starting the day much earlier, I maximize the amount of productive time I have for the remainder of the day. After dropping my luggage at the hotel, I made my way backwards to Maiko to visit the Akashi-Kaikyo Exhibition Centre which details the [construction process]( in making the longest suspension bridge in the world \[until recently\]. Engineering folks would be interested in the details of maintaining such a bridge. Just beside the exhibition centre, the Maiko Promenade provides access a [small section]( of the suspension bridge lower deck– it is really windy (and noisy with traffic rumbling above you) there!

The main item for the day was to join the Bridge World exhibit tour, which consist of a [safety briefing](, a [site walk]( along the [suspension bridge maintenance deck]( and taking a lift up to the [bridge pylon]( i.e. the [tallest point of the bridge]( The entire tour costed 5k yen and took about 2 hours. Although the tour is entirely in Japanese (it is chaired by their own engineers), there is an English audio guide provided for you to explain certain aspects. My own opinion is that while the audio guide covers the main aspects, the extra tidbits/trivia mentioned by the engineers are not included (so its an added bonus if you have some Japanese listening comprehension). Also, you will need to be able to climb up some stairs so if you are unable to, you’ll have to give this a hard pass. The exhibit tour runs between April to end-November so you’re out of luck if you come during winter \[I asked one of the staff why there was no session planned between December and March, and his response was that it was “too cold” to conduct said tour\].

After the tour, I took a highway bus back to Sannomiya/Kobe. Incidentally, it was dinner time and a friend suggested that I try out Kobe beef since I’m already there. Although most steak establishments there require a prior booking ahead of time, I managed to find one named [*Mouriya*]( that accepted walk-ins. In a word, it was [delicious](– a pain to the wallet at 12k yen no doubt, but its worth trying out at least once for the experience.

After dinner, I walked around the area on the way back to the hotel. To the hotel in question for the night, the [La Suite KOBE]( which had a direct view of Kobe Harbor. One thing I have noticed while planning this entire trip is that there are very few 5 star hotels in Japan, and when I saw this and the offer price, I just decided to go with it just for the experience. After staying here for a night, I now understand what it takes to be considered as one, from getting a personal room tour by the hotel staff to [extravagant room sizes]( to [bottled ‘designer’ mineral water]( to [jacuzzis]( I must disclaim however, by saying that 3-stars hotels in Japan are typically very good for the value proposition. A great place to crash the night, if you have the money to splurge.

**Day 20 – Kobe Maritime Museum, Himeji Castle/Koko-en (Hyogo), Minoh Falls (Osaka)**

Breakfast at this hotel is done differently from other hotels – instead of a buffet spread, the hotel staff [wheels a table directly to your room]( and you get to eat it in solitary peace – that certainly was a first for me. Before checking out, I made a stop at the nearby [Kobe]( Harbour to visit the [maritime museum]( and the [earthquake memorial park]( . What I find surprising about the museum is that it wasn’t entirely about maritime/shipping/vessel stuff, instead, there’s one large section dedicated to Kawasaki \[think [bike]([shinkansen]( manufacturer\] and a [special exhibit]( on [*Hatsune Miku*]( While I personally didn’t mind it I thought it feels like a misnomer to call it a ‘maritime’ museum. Spent about 3 hours at the harbor area. [Kobe Tower]( was down for maintenance when I visited.

After checking out of the hotel I zipped over to Himeji, left my luggage at the JR station lockers and proceeded to explore [Himeji Castle]( and Koko-en. There was a discount ticket set for both attraction so I went with that. Himeji Castle is pretty well documented here so I’ll just keep it short and say that it was [worth the visit]( Ditto for [Koko-en]( in the autumn; both places took me just around 2.5\~3 hours.

After that, I zipped down to Osaka via the Shinkansen, deposited my luggage at the hotel before heading over to one last destination – Minoh Falls. I have last visited this place years ago during the day and wanted to see for myself how the autumn illumination was like. To be frank, [it was alright](, though on reflection I feel it wasn’t fully worth the time to walk all the way to the falls (I clocked just north of 46000 steps which was one of the highest daily record).

Lastly, the hotel in question for the next 5 nights is the [Vessel Inn Namba](, a \~2 minute walk away from Dontonbori and Namba station (which I would argue is THE major transportation artery in Osaka beside Umeda). Although the [room]( was rather small at \~14m2, for the pricepoint of \~9k yen/night and its convenient access to major transportation nodes I thought it was value for money.

**Day 21 – Ise Jingu , Futamiokitama Shrine, Toba Aquarium, Mikimoto Pearl Island (Mie)**

***NOTE: Day 21, 22 and 23 utilizes the 5-day Kintetsu Rail Pass+ \[=/= JR PASS\] (which covers free bus services at Ise and Nara).***

Day trip over from Namba to Ise. Took the first express train out of Namba at 0600 and arrived at Ise Station just after 0800. The overall routing was as follow:

Namba Station –> train to Ise Station –> bus to Ise Jingu –> Okage Yokocho –> bus to Futamiokitama Shrine –> bus to Toba Aquarium –> Mikimoto Pearl Island –> Shimakaze ride back to Osaka

Brief notes for the places as follow:

* [Ise Jingu]( is labelled as one of Japan’s most important shrines, and the scale and grandeur of it, along with the sheer local crowd drives home that point pretty well, though I would note that visitors [cannot enter the actual inner shrine]( (it is fenced off and is restricted for private events). Got a goshuin for my efforts. Takes at least an hour to walk at a leisurely pace to cover.
* Okage Yokocho is your typical shopping street (equivalent to Kamakura’s Komachi-dori). They do have their specialty lobster crackers that makes for good souvenir gifts.
* Futamiokitama Shrine is essentially a [Shinto shrine]( with [two rocks]( on the sea (*Meoto Iwa*). There’s a bit more historical context to it related to their gods, and there was quite a sizable amount of local tourists. An hour is more than adequate here.
* [Toba Aquarium]( is not bad with quite a varied set of exhibits, though I would still put Osaka Aquarium above it overall. There were quite a number of live shows which would cater well to families. \~2 hours is recommended here.
* Mikimoto Pearl Island was a minor surprise for me – while I wasn’t a fan of pearls, there was some education exhibits such as how pearls are created, some pearl-related artworks and a live [Ama diver demostration]( There’s also a sales gallery if one is inclined to buy pearl ornaments. You could think of it as a glorified Mikimoto advert. I spent about 1\~1.5hours here.

The final item for the day was to ride Kintetsu’s ‘special’ limited express [*Shimakaze*]( back to Osaka-Namba. [Seat]( was plush and extremely comfortable, though the main draw was the on-board [café carriage]( which served food. I had [curry]( for dinner and … it was alright; not terrible but nothing special to write home about. I suppose its more for the experience of dining on a train. Nevertheless, I enjoyed unwinding on my seat as the train whizzed past the countryside back to Osaka under cover of darkness. Booking a seat on the *Shimakaze* is competitive especially for the unobstructed [first-row seats facing the conductor](; you should book via the website immediately after reservation slots are open (a month in advance).

I wouldn’t recommend this day trip to first timers in particular, in large part because of the long travel time (\~2 hours one-way with the limited express train to/from Osaka) as well as the multiple bus connections between destinations. It can be punishing if you do not time your bus connections well.

**Day 22 – Todai-ji, Kasuga Taisha (Nara), Uji, Fushimi Inari (Kyoto)**

Spent the morning in Nara, afternoon at Uji and evening/night at Fushimi.

I had a pleasant time strolling around [Kasuga Taisha]( in the morning just before 0800 which was near Todai-ji; it was a relatively quiet affair walking along the shrine. After that, a quick stroll over to [Todai-ji]( The crowd started to pick up pretty quickly after 0930 though so do arrive early to beat the crowd. The [main temple]( itself isn’t large, but do cater for more time if you want to explore the surrounding temples and parks. Also, you could feed those deer crackers but they can be pretty aggressive so do mind them. I spent about 2.5 hours just walking around two aforementioned attractions.

After Nara, I zoomed up to [Uji]( via the JR Nara line to explore Byodo-in and crossed over the [Tachibana River]( to [Uji Shrine]( and [Daikichiyama Observation Deck]( As the main attraction in Uji, [Byodo-in]( was understandably the most crowded of all, but crowd management was done well and it didn’t feel as cramped as Kiyomizudera or other major hotspots in Kyoto. There was another separate queue to enter the temple building proper, but I wasn’t in the mood to queue so I just took some photos from the outside. Outside of the temple, I enjoyed viewing and purchasing some tea while walking along the Uji river, and making a short trek up to the observation deck to view the entire town.

Finally, I made an evening/night play for Fushimi. This would be my second return trip to here, and it was still an [enjoyable hike]( up the mountain. Crowd is [substantially]( lower compared to day time so I would propose putting this place as one of your last destination for the day. Moreover, as you make your way up the mountain to the top of the shrine, the crowd level does reduce considerably too. The [view of the city]( from the mid-point was pretty nice. Paths are generally [well-lit]( so there is no visibility concerns at night.

**Day 23 – Arashiyama, Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji, Kyoto Manga Museum, Kyoto Railway Museum (Kyoto), Den Den Town, Abeno Harukas (Osaka)**

An (almost) full day at Kyoto, with the night spent at Osaka.

With an early start at 0630, the routing for northern Kyoto was as follow:

0630 train from Osaka –> Arashiyama –> bus to Kinkakuji –> bus to Ginkakuji, Philosophers’ Path –> bus to Kyoto Manga Museum –> bus to Kyoto Railway Museum –> *Aoniyoshi* train ride back to Osaka at 1630

* Without droning this point again and again, going to [Arashiyama]( early morning is a major boon – [crowd levels]( at 0745 was [comfortable]( even at the bamboo forest, though I note that things start to pick up at around 0900. I would encourage making a short trek up the hill to the vantage point facing Arashiyama and the Oi River – the [view]( is worth the hike. Also, [Tenryu-ji]( is a good stop if you’re already heading over here. Just these two alone took about 2\~2.5 hours.
* Buses in Kyoto are covered by the subway+bus pass at 1.1k yen, or via Suica/Icoca. While bus frequencies are frequent at \~10 minute intervals, the main concern is actually being able to get up on the bus (you are jostling for space with locals and foreigners). Do allocate some spare time in the event you are forced to miss a bus.
* [Kinkakuji]( was [EXTREMELY crowded]( when I visited during the ‘peak’ time of 1030, in part because of a combination of tourists and local school students visiting at the same time. The temple was pretty, and it was an okay walk around the area, but that’s about it. Got a goshuin for my troubles however. It took me about an hour to explore the place.
* [Ginkakuji]( was the same story as Kinkakuji, but with a notably reduced crowd level (I was there at 1230) – I guess it wasn’t as flashy as Kinkakuji thus people aren’t that interested?) Nevertheless, it’s the same story – nice structure, but that’s it. Another hour spent here, with a goshuin for my efforts.
* [Philosopher’s Path]( is mediocre during autumn. Barren trees, no activities going on. I suppose its offseason (its probably better to visit here during spring or summer instead).
* Kyoto Manga Museum was a [sleeper hit]( for me – having some interest in manga, I spent nearly 2.5 hours here browsing through mangas from the [1970s+](, as well as going through the [exhibits]( There was a [seasonal exhibit]( showcasing the [development]( and advancement of manga/comics in [Africa]( which I thought was well done. Manga fans are going to have a blast here.
* Kyoto Railway Museum also didn’t disappoint with a ton of train replicas, [old models](, [train dioramas](, steam locomotives and even an [active]( [roundhouse platform](! My only regret was that I had to rush through the entire museum in 1.5h in order to catch my return train – you should plan for at least 2-2.5 hours to properly savour the place. The museum was designed to cater for families, but even solo travellers like myself would have no shortage of things to look and learn.

My personal pick would be the two museums unironically – those appealed to the kid in me.

The return trip from Kyoto to Osaka is done via Kintetsu’s [*Aoniyoshi*]( [sightseeing train]( which travels back to Osaka-Namba via Nara. Similar to the Shimakaze, the seats are extremely comfortable and faces towards the window, allowing you to just unwind and look outside. There is also a café carriage which sells rail merchandise and some sweets/desserts. I got myself a coffee and an [ice cream sandwich]( which was great. For purchase of this sightseeing train, you can buy the limited express reservation on the Kintetsu website – demand for this is also quite high so book as early as you can. However, for solo travellers, you need to buy TWO limited express tickets –an adult seat and a child seat (at half price).

I was still feeling alright after lounging on the sightseeing train, so I decided to spend the remainder of the day shopping at [Den Den Town]( for anime related stuff, as well as the nearby Abeno Harukas for the observatory point (*Harukas 300)*. Personally, Den Den Town has that gritty, unfiltered feel to it which I loved. There was not much crowd at the [observatory]( at night (\~2040), and I was able to view the Osaka [skyline]( unobstructed. Great place for couples hangout. Dinner was a [pork tonkatsu]( by a chain restaurant named [KYK]( within Abeno Harukas – it was delicious (at a hefty price tag of 3k yen)!

Just like the Mie day-trip, this routing is punishing with multiple buses to connect, destinations scattered across Kyoto, and a long walk (clocking north of 40k steps again) – I would not recommend this routing to first-timers. Moreover, this demands an early start – late end to the day which is not everyone’s cup of tea either.

**Day 24 – Osaka Aquarium (Osaka), Kyoto Station (Kyoto)**

This was my free day where I had nothing planned specifically, so I went to do some anime-related shopping at Kyoto Station in the morning where there was a [pop-up]( [Kyoto Animation store]( I also shipped a package home via JPpost. I enjoyed wandering around Den Den Town and Taito Station, playing some of the arcade games. Lastly, I made a stop at the [Osaka Aquarium]( – this was my second time here and I had a great time gazing at the mega fishtank in the middle which housed the [whale shark](


If you’re still reading, thanks for powering through! Parts 2 and 3 took a while to write – I am not sure when (and if) I have the time to write on Ishikawa (Kanazawa, Noto Peninsula) and Tokyo/Chiba, but I would highly encourage visiting the outskirts in your return visits! Do let me know if there is anything I can do to improve the remaining write-up. Cheers!

by wardXn

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