Kanji character in cursive?

The other day I was trying to find an odd looking name for a book character. The background of it is, that the name shouldn’t be recognized as a name for a long time. It’s just the Kanji for the name without any context at all.

A Japanese friend told me that 庭笹 could be such a name. Or maybe rather 笹庭 as an American might write it instead? First name before the last name.

I was thinking about a way to disguise it and was trying to find some examples of it written in cursive,, but I can’t find anything. Is there maybe a website out there that shows a cursive for any kanji? Or is there maybe even someone who can write cursive and could write me an example of this name?

Also, I have neglected to learn Japanese for a long, long time now unfortunately and I don’t remember much at all.

But could 笹庭 be in fact be translated as “Bamboo grass garden”? If yes, does the same count for 庭笹?

Hope to find someone who is able to help me.

1 comment
  1. Once upon a time I used an app called [Calligraphy collection](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zivn.cloudbrush3&hl=en_US&gl=US) by Farigtech. Unfortunately, it’s a Chinese app, so you might have to go out of your way to look up the Chinese equivalent of a particular kanji, but it should work if you have either a kyujitai (old form) kanji or a shinjitai (new form) kanji identical to the simplified Chinese version. For example, if you have the character 鉄 (tetsu, “iron”), you’ll need to look up its kyujitai form (鐵) and enter that in the search bar.

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