ga hoshii and tai desu – explanation

Hey there,


Im learning Japansese by myself and I want to be sure I understand that correctly.

Please confirm or correct me if wrong (I know that *watashi wa* can be ommited but lets just leave it there).

I want to buy a car – 私は車が買いたい です (Watashi wa kuruma ga kaitai desu)I want a car – 私は車が欲しいです (Watashi wa kuruma ga hoshī desu)

but what if I want to put an additional adjective to a car to have something like:

I want to buy **a new** car – 私は新しい車が買いたいです (Watashi wa atarashī kuruma ga kaitai desu)

Is that correct? Is the order atarashii kuruma ok? Do I need any particle there?


Thanks for any tips.

1 comment
  1. Xがほしい means want a thing X, Vたい means want to V, whatever that verb is

    Both are fine they just mean slightly different things just like in English

    Yes you can stack anything you want before the noun

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