Is this a food item?

Is this a food item?

  1. No. I think it’s a charm from a shrine. I can’t read the kanji though so I don’t know what type of charm it is…

  2. Nope! They are “Omamori”. Mamori means “to Protect” and they are usually sold at Shrines (or Temples) in Japan for Good Luck as Talisman/Amulet. I belive they contains some folded paper with prayers or sacred poem inside and you are meant to bring it with you in your bag/wallet/pocket or hang it on the backmirror of your car. It’s just another way to steal your money of course.

  3. Its called ‘dragon’s ears’ people get them at shrines for good luck. Tie one on to your rucksack etc.

  4. That pouch made with fabric is a lucky charm called Omamori. This one is from Tsuruoka Hachimangu (鶴岡八幡宮) shrine.
    It’s not food. And you are not supposed to open the fabric pouch.

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