Best option?

I am clearly in the honeymoon phase of wanting to live in Japan. I have been there several times and no matter how long we stay, it never seems long enough!

I would like a small apartment/house (minimum 50 square meters) in the suburbs of Tokyo (along the lines of itabashi) or even the countryside (as long as it’s accessible by train since I don’t know how to bike and would prefer not to buy a car..but that option is not off the table).

I do not plan to work in Japan nor do I plan to live there full time. It’s really more a second/vacation home. I have a good life in my country, but it is a hot mess (literally and figuratively). Visiting Japan gives me a lot of peace.

I am currently enrolled in a Japanese language course with my partner and we are both keen on getting to know the culture more through language.

I understand that there is no guarantee of being issued a visa even if I own property, but I’m not too worried about that. I currently have a 5-year multiple entry valid for 30 days. I’m firmly financially rooted in the Philippines, but my mental health suffers due to the lack of organization, cleanliness (mind you, I already live in a VERY good part of the city), mentality and sense of community.

My question is: would it better in the long run to own a house or just rely on Airbnb’s? We would like to be there 4-6 months out of the year. It’s a 4.5hour plane trip from where we live. He is American and I am Filipina. I’m not even remotely interested in living in America (though my family does have property there and I have lived and worked there for 13 years).

Thoughts? Any insights would be much appreciated.

UPDATE: Thank you for your replies.

by PE_SR

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