What did this guy want with me?

This is the first time after living here for 8 years that smthg like this happened to me.
I was walking home from my station, right at the entrance to an alley way, i had my airpods in and i faintly heard a person’s voice, turned around and saw a japanese guy tryna talk to me so i got suprised, he apologised to have scared me, i pulled off out my airpods cause i thought he was gonna tell me that i dropped something. But he said: miss, where’re you heading to right now? (お姉さん今からどこに行くんですか?)
I immediately turned around and walked back towards the big street away from him, and i could hear him being confused like « え? »

I’ve been walking this path a hundred million times it’s in Chuo Ku, a very safe area nothing ever happens here.
What the hell did he want with me stopping me like that? Like what could he possibly ask?
I have Asian features btw so i don’t see why i would be a target of anything…

by ace_DL

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