Moving to Japan (original title yeah)

Hello all,

I’ll try to be short as such question have probably been asked a lot of times. I’m 25 and in 2 years I’ll swift my career from economics to getting a music degree from abroad (probably Russia, eg. Tchaikovsky State Conservatory) in the Organ and Harpsichord department. Long story short, I’ll be in my early to mid 30’s by the time I finish. In case the opportunity presents itself, or the chance to make it resent itself arises, do you consider it any probable at all that moving to Japan at this time with said qualifications (of course, learning the language properly and with proper certification by then will be considered granted in our conversation) in order to pursue a music career, or do you think that it would be a lost cause? Of course, judging with today’s situation and standards.

by SoliDeoGloria245

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