Can pedestrians walk on the road?

I live in Tokyo and move around mostly by bicycle.

Often I see pedestrians walking in the street,sometimes in groups, other times in the middle of the road and often they cross without looking.

I have to slalom while avoiding them by doing manoeuvres that could cause me to fall and risk investing them,despite the fact that there is A PAVEMENT or in other cases a CLEAR WHITE LINE of demarcation.

In this case who has the right of way?

In the event of an accident who would be right?

  1. Pedestrians will always be right as walking is the least dangerous option (even if they are walking in the middle of the road).

    If there is an accident, the person on wheels (bicycle, motorcycle, car, etc.) will be in the wrong because you should have done more to avoid them.

  2. Your options are to use a larger thoroughfare, or slow down and use your bell.

    In an accident with a pedestrian, the person on the bike is at fault.

    Edit: match your speed with the taxi drivers on the same streets.

  3. If you are going so fast that you have to slalom due to people walking, you’re either going too fast for the size of the street and number of people around or you need to pay better attention.

  4. There are many areas of Tokyo where there is ONLY road, node sidewalks. Would you like the pedestrians to travel like spiderman?

    If it’s too crowded, get off the bike and walk it until it’s safe to ride again.

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