ABA Therapy in Tokyo – any good recommendations/experience?

Hey everyone! I work for one of the big tech companies (US) and was offered a 2 year long term assignment in Japan. Long story short, having an international assignment under my belt would be good for my career progression, making it the main reason I’m considering this. The caveat is that my older kid (6yo) is on the ASD spectrum, and I wanted to get an insight into what kind of support/therapies could one expect in Tokyo, specifically geared towards English speakers. I was going through previous posts on this very same topic and got some insight into how that works, meaning I know that support for ASD folks in JP is generally not on par with the US and also that it’s not covered by insurance, but the company offers international health benefits, plus my compensation package should allow me to pay for these therapies even if the cost was out of pocket (30+MM JPY annually base comp + stock). The company is also willing to negotiate international school tuition for my other kid who is neurotypical, thus I wouldn’t have to worry about that cost. However, it’s not clear to me if there are any GOOD service providers in the Tokyo area that could provide ABA in English. Somebody made a comment about ABA in Japan not requiring any certification, therefore there seems to be a lack of standard expectations and the experience could differ wildly. While I’m probably in the minority of people who have to worry about this, I’m sure I’m not the only one with a similar set of circumstances. If anyone has experience or could recommend specific (English) ABA services in Tokyo I’d appreciate it. And again, I get that Japan is not the most ASD friendly place but I figured if there are services people had good experiences with, I’d be much more inclined to take this assignment on since it’s only temporary (the offer is very clear on the duration). Thanks!

by Lost_Ways_799

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