June travel around Kyushu and Shikoku

Hello! I need some guidance regarding my planned summer travel to Japan.

First of all, I have been told that summer in Japan is unbearable due to the humidity. I am from SEA and is used to the heat, but just to keep it safe I planned for a mid-June travel, hoping the temperature is still bearable by then.

I plan to enter and exit via Fukuoka, and because I plan to go around Kyushu and Shikoku, I might need to move from place to place a lot. I have no set itinerary yet but at the top of my mind these are the places I want to visit:

* Nanzoin Temple (the giant reclining Buddha statue)
* Sakurai Futamigaura (the torii by the sea)
* Yufuin Floral Village (in Oita)
* Aoshima Island (cat island in Ehime)
* and some destinations in Ehime/Kumamoto/Saga/Nagasaki prefectures

With those in mind, I came up with two plans

|Plan A|Plan B|
|Stay in Fukuoka|Stay in Fukuoka|
|Travel by train to Oita and stay there (for Yufuin)|Day trip to Yufuin (return to Fukuoka)|
|Ferry from Beppu to Yatahama and stay there (for Aoshima)|Plane from Fukuoka to Matsuyama and stay there (for Aoshima)|
|Return to Fukuoka via ferry + train|Return to Fukuoka via plane|

What do you think? Personally, I find Plan A to be quite the hassle as it involves more transits and accommodations. Plan B on the other hand is much more expensive due to the plane tickets. Please give your honest opinions.

by kurosaki_100

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