Need help regarding damage on a rented vehicle in Japan

Hello guys,

I am seeking help regarding the below situation. Back home in Europe I would simply confront the clerk when giving the car back on checkout, but I am not sure of how it works in Japan.

We rented a vehicle for our vacation trip in Japan through Europcar on the internet. We ended up at the rental ‘Times’ which is affiliated with Europcar here, in Japan.

On car pick up, the clerk gave us a document listing pre existing damages on the car, it was made before we arrived and even though he was insistant on not letting us check the car around, I did take a video of the car exterior and checked the interior anyway before we did take off. Yet it was dark already, so I did not notice anything to report at that time.
Note that we did not sign the damages document from the clerk, we only signed the rental contract.

On the next day, at day time we identified a big scratch on one of the front tire hubcap, this damage was not listed on the document from the clerk. As we did not scratch on anything during our driving, I checked on the video I took.
The scratch is clearly visible in it.

I have no idea how to sort out this situation here in Japan. I am worried we may get in trouble with police if we contest the car rental clerk, as we are not japanese and therefore, will most likely be treated guilty before any check.

Any of you guys have recommandation on how to act ?


Edit: following your comments I guess I will simply politely inform them via email now and exchange with them in person on checkout if needed

Thank you!

And yeah horror story rather from main street media & youtube rather than reddit for the japanese justice system part. I guess I may have over reacted 😅

by Faranoobs

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