Line mobile users, have you had issues connecting to the network recently? Here is a potential fix.

Edit: I’ve heard of a similar issue on other MVNOs using Softbank so this might not be exclusive to Line Mobile.

I’m a subscriber to Line Mobile (not linemo) and even though the service hasn’t been accepting new users for a few years the service is still up and running for everyone who was subscribed. I’m using the softbank network.

Softbank ended their 3G service earlier this week and since then I’ve had spotty service. Today I was unable to connect to the network at all. I checked my sim card, reset my device and ran through all the troubleshooting on their website with no luck. So I turned to X (旧ツイッター) to see if there was any information on the network being down and I found a fix that people were sharing. It worked for me.

Basically, you have to add “ia” to your APN type in your APN settings.

Until now I was set to “default,supl,dun” and then I changed it to “default,supl,ia,dun” and reset my device and have been able to connect without issue.

My guess is that because it’s a legacy service and not being actively supported, they forgot to tell everyone the new proper APN settings (and probably won’t be updating their website anytime soon).

Hope this helps anyone that has been having trouble.

by rmutt-1917

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