Northwest Orient Air Lines phrase conversion playing cards

Northwest Orient Air Lines phrase conversion playing cards

  1. Found these online they were originally made by Nothwest Orient Air Lines as a easy to carry common phrase converter. The cards convert English phrases info Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. They are pretty easy to find online i can’t find an exact time period but I think they are from around the 1980’s

    I have another set coming that’s similar but has the pronunciation included. I’m not sure if this is the place to post this so please let me know if I’ve posted it on the incorrect subreddit

  2. Pretty neat though I’m not sure who the target user for these would be. Multiple cards use kanji with no furigana on top, so they’re essentially meant to be used by someone with sufficient Japanese knowledge to be able to read a large amount of kanji but not sufficient enough to know how to say “Thank you”?

  3. Shutta for take a picture? I didn’t know what one! I wonder when it commonly changed to しゃしん?

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