Cat’s FAVN test expires on December 28th, and I’m starting language school January 7th. Is this doable or do I need another FAVN test?

My cat had a FAVN test December of 2022 in preparation for moving to Japan. Plans fell through, and I ended up not being able to go in 2023 like originally planned. Now I have sent an application in for a language school that will start January 7th of 2025. The FAVN test needs to have been done in the past 2 years, and the exact 2 year date will be December 28th.

Would it be possible to go to Japan early enough on a student visa to get my cat in before the test expires? I know I should be able to get a couple weeks before the term starts no problem, but would presenting a FAVN test a few days before the expiry date be a problem? I should still have time to do another FAVN test if I make an appointment soon. I can afford it, but obviously would rather avoid paying another few hundred dollars if I don’t have to.

As for my living situation, I am doing a 1 year language course and afterwards plan on looking for a job and staying in japan on a work visa (I have a degree and 6 years experience as a software engineer). I am planning on using “hmletjapan” realtor which has pre-furnished apartment listings that accept pets and their site that says they accept foreigners on student visas. I would stay in an airbnb that allows a cat for the first month or so while getting the apartment (there are a few such airbnb listings in Tokyo). I don’t have any family or friends that would be able to watch my cat for any significant amount of time.

by TrappedOwl

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