Japan tax side of changing from FEIE to FTC (US tax question)

Until now I’ve always used the FEIE (2555) to file my US taxes.
I also usually only do the 年末調整 (*nenmatsu chōsei*) for reporting my Japan taxes, and my employer handles the rest.

Next year, I want to change the way I do my US taxes (file the FTC instead of FEIE). This way I can get the child tax credit.

Question: How should I handle the Japan side of things if I intend to file with the FTC? Should I do the 確定申告 (*kakuteishinkoku*) for the tex year (is it necessary)?

What information do I need (from the Japan side) in order to file the FTC? Is my 源泉徴収票 (*genzenchōshū-hyō*) enough? Or should I have a copy of my 確定申告 (*kakuteishinkoku*)?

Also, note, for next year: I sold some stocks (not a lot, capital gains likely under 5万 ) and bought a house in Japan, if that is relevant.

Many thanks!

by irishtwinsons

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