How to get into a Corporate Job as a High School Dropout

Hey guys. So currently i’m working as a factory worker here in Japan, i’m a long term resident and at the same time also studying Japanese and am planning to pass JLPT N3 next. I’m just looking into the future and i’ve always wanted to be a software engineer though, i dropped out of high school in my home country cz i have to be here in Japan before 18 due to me being a 3rd generation.

I am looking into passing GED also but I don’t know if it’s widely known as it is in the US as a proof that you’re atleast at a high-school level/graduate. I don’t know what steps to take to get myself to be able to get into university from here or maybe just a vocational. I’d like to hear from people in this sub who’s been in Japan for long as to what steps i should take next or keep in mind towards the goal i want.

Though if it’s kind of an unrealistic goal, maybe unachievable. Just tell me too. I was just looking to get into a high-paying job and got me thinking about continuing the dream i wanted. Thank you..

by KenZo_9

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