I recently moved to Tokyo for work, I’ve been here for a month and will be here for another 9 months. So I am still learning and trying to get settled.
Anyways, I was travelling from Tokyo to Nagoya and when I got to Nagoya I took a quick smoke break at one of the smoking areas at the station. I am a very analytical person and I really observe my surroundings whenever I am in an unfamiliar area. So that’s what I did while I was inhaling and exhaling my iqos stick. I looked at my surroundings and I think I made very brief eye contact with one of the ojisans who are smoking across me; I looked away straight after.
Not long after, the guy started speaking loudly at my direction while pointing at me. I don’t really understand what he was saying as my japanese is very very basic. All I heard was “黒い服” and I know he was referring to me as I was wearing all black clothes. That event left me wondering if I did anything wrong. Or is it considered rude to “look at your surroundings” too much? I do notice that most people are just on their phones in smoking areas and not really look around their surroundings much.
I was wearing all black from top to bottom, and shades as well. Also I am south east asian if that helps 😅.
by batstidskuy