Possibility of bringing my dog on the JET Program

I know I am not even through the interview yet and that this is an oft-asked question, but I’m trying to figure out possible ways to bring my dog on the JET Program if I am selected. However, my situation is a little different than the questions I’ve seen here.

I am diagnosed with both depression and anxiety, and I can get pretty severe panic attacks (this was all disclosed on my application). I am on medication and in treatment now, and my symptoms are significantly better. However, I do still have occasional panic attacks that I have to get through. To that end, I worked with special trainers to get my corgi, Nebula, certified as a Psychiatric Service Dog. These are not the same thing as Emotional Support Animals, as she is specifically trained to disrupt my panic attacks by licking my hand or pawing at me and then lying on my lap or chest to ground me. I also had her complete her Good Canine Citizen test to ensure that she behaves appropriately in public places.

In addition to these things, I have also been planning ahead with her vet to have her rabies vaccinations and chipping all done according to Japanese law within the appropriate time frame so that she won’t have to spend a single day in quarantine. I’ve even contacted airlines, including Japanese ones, to find out about her traveling with me in the cabin so that she won’t be in cargo at all. I’m even willing to upgrade my seat if necessary so that she can be comfortable.

All of this is to say, my dog is incredibly important to me, and I truly don’t think I would be able to leave her behind if JET required it.

Sooo… is there any way that I can bring these things up with the JET representatives without fully eliminating myself from the selection? I believe that I’m a strong candidate for what they’re seeking (TEFL certified, real-world experience teaching ESL, anthropology background with a focus on cultural and linguistic studies, decent amount of Japanese, desire to eventually leave Japan and use what I learn in the program in the real world), but I don’t want this to get in the way of my chances. If anything, I was actually hoping it might be an asset, as I hope to start a YouTube channel focusing on my and my dog’s life in Japan, and I think that could be a cool way to share Japanese life and culture with a whole new audience.

I know I’m in my head about this a bit, seeing as, again, I haven’t even interviewed yet. But I’m the kind of person who likes to map out possibilities. Would this be something I could reasonably bring up in the interview without fear of disqualifying myself? Would it be better to (hopefully) get accepted and then try to deal with BoE/etc? I understand the issues that can arise such as difficulty finding pet-friendly living, time-crunch, etc. But I also know that the positives of having Nebby will far outweigh any negatives.

All opinions/advice appreciated!

by Sweetiegrrl_2346

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