Record label contracts as a graduate student?

Hi, I’m currently a research student aiming for a master’s degree under the MEXT scholarship.

I’m in a music program and I’m a professional musician. Speaking to one of my friends here, he suggested I send a demo to record labels here and see if they’d like to sign me. Having experience with record labels and the industry, I don’t doubt something could be achieved within the 28-hour legal limit, but since music making isn’t quite an office job, and the project could generate revenue anywhere from 0 yen to (hopefully) a lot more, I’m not sure about the legality surrounding that situation both in terms of hours and taxes and all that.

I wanted to know if other people have experience or advice when it comes to more irregular jobs like these and if there’s anything I should know before starting to send out my music to record labels.

Thank you!

by Masterkid1230

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