Ladies Genki Study Group Discord?

EDIT/UPDATE: As of August 2022 the group is up and running! I’m keeping it small, around 20 members, so it’s manageable. Obviously this generated a ton of interest. We have a few inactive members that will be removed at the end of the month if they don’t mark their attendance. If you would like to be put on the waitlist to join, let me know.

Original post: Delete if not allowed. I am entertaining the idea of starting a discord study group for women. Specifically for Genki 1 textbook and workbook, but any other learning materials are welcome too. Maybe even meeting on voice channel once a week to review chapters and practice. What does everyone think? Is this something you’d participate in?

I’m a complete beginner and have Genki 1 sitting on a shelf. I would love to establish a routine with other beginners!

Edit to add: It looks like there’s enough interest brewing, so I’ll get things started soon! I’ll come
back to this post in a few days with a discord invite for anyone who wants to join. Just comment your interest below. So excited!

  1. I’m a bit beyond Genki 1 at this point but wouldn’t mind being in a womens’ Discord focused on learning Japanese.

  2. Interested! A bit beyond Genki 1, but I would love to simply be in the Discord to keep me motivated!

  3. Shoot me a DM, I’m in. (I’m also great at setting up roles and things in discord if you need any help with that!)

  4. im also down! 😀 im also a beginner and im half way through katakana! ill probably also get genki 1 by this weekend

  5. I’m totally interested as well! I was just looking for something like this.

  6. I’m in! I’m one of the only girls in my Japanese class I would Love to have this!

  7. Hey there! I’m not a beginner, but would be willing to join in and help answer questions if anyone needs. Of course, I myself am still studying, but I’ve passed N2 and have been living in Japan for a few years.

  8. Well keen! Sounds like fun! I’m in the middle to last quarter of Genki 2, so this would be lovely

  9. Are non-binaries allowed? 😇 I’d love to partake, I’ve been studying Japanese on my own for nearly a year and havent really had the chance to practice my speaking!

  10. Tbh I don’t know how often id be active bc of my schedule, but I heck yeah im interested!

  11. Like some other people, I’m also on Genki 2 (2nd to last chapter), but I’d love to join 🙂

  12. I am interested! I am a little further along from Genki 1 but I have no issue with reviewing and also having a place I can speak to other lady learners.
    It is a great idea to have a place woman can feel confident to speak to other woman with no worries.

  13. I’m interested too! Passed N2 but haven’t studied in over two years, this would be great motivation

  14. I started Genki a few days ago and have learned the hiragana alphabet but katakana is kicking my ass. Would definitely be interested in joining.

  15. 5 years into learning and I hardly feel experienced — I’d love to join 🙂

    An only ladies event sounds really nice too. I just get intimidated by the guys sometimes ( i know they mean well, I am just an extremely shy person. )

    I am currently studying 3 languages and I would say I’m only good at 2 of them and having people to regularly talk to about language sounds like so much fun 💗

  16. I’m a male, but I’m studying genki 1 right now, is it okay I join too?

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