62% favor for married couples with separate surname while 27% opposed

62% favor for married couples with separate surname while 27% opposed

by ZaBlancJake

  1. I feel like changing your last name on all official documentation is such a headache with little to no benefit.

  2. If you have any professional certifications it’s best to keep them under your own name.

  3. I know some Japanese/foreign couples where the wife didn’t take the foreign husband’s name. Is that just due to being foreign, and Japanese/Japanese couples must use the husbands name ?

  4. Imagine being friends/family with the type of person who opposes this.

  5. It’s so bizarre people care about this stuff. Who seriously cares which surname couples decide to use?

  6. Well, 98.3% of that 27% are conservative Japanese men of the age of 70, and they’re the only ones that matter. /s

  7. No! Sato Clan forever! Weak surnames must not proliferate! Sato is the only way!

  8. As with many issues in Japan people favor things but won’t fight for it. This just means if the government allows separate surnames it will only get push back from 27% but it is not a pressing issue to change the status quo

  9. Entirely rubbish, the growth model presumed growth would remain constant forever, which it realistically can not. So no Satomination will happen ever.

    The current state of things is fine in terms of overall name saturation. One name is chosen as the family name, can be from the male or the female.

    Really what we are seeing is that some names are favoured over others, but even so in most cases the male name is chosen.

    If people want to keep separate surnames that is fine by me. However the entire premise made by the guy falls apart as soon as you realise it is all about naming preferance. In fact the only point that I will agree to is that many people may face problems after changing their name, usually by being incorrectly adressed both formally and informally.

  10. Mistranslation of the title: it says that 62% _approve_ of _allowing_ couples to choose whether to have separate surnames.

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