Leaving Japan and want to put my savings into my Wise card (but there is a 1 million Yen limit after 1 month). Can I change residence while visiting my home country?

Sorry a bit of a confusing one (maybe).

I will leave Japan at the beginning of June with a fair amount of savings in Yen. As you know, the Yen has seen better days, and I’m considering NOT transferring it all my Canadian account (at a time when I’ve never seen a lower exchange). As such, I am thinking of putting a decent chunk of my Yen into my Wise account.

However, in Japan they only allow 1 million yen worth of holdings in your Wise account (you can hold more, but only for a month). I will be going back to Canada for a visit for a couple of months before moving on to another country, where I will be living and working for at least a year.

Therefore, I am wondering if I could change my location to Canada (and therefore not have the 1 million yen limit) before moving on to my new host country.

Thanks : )

by sbring

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