Being harassed by cults

I am being harassed by cults coming to my door nearly every day, I don’t answer, I don’t even acknowledge but its getting to the point where it’s a hindrance. Is there a way to get them to stop? Will I have to directly confront them? They always come in pairs, young, old, hot, average looking — have I been put on some cult radar??? It’s definitely not my neighbours, they are all my coworkers. How do I make it stop? Does anyone else have experience with this???

by cherrylucc

  1. You can buy a no solicitation/flyers magnet for your door for dirt cheap. Those are generally honored… Generally… Though not fool proof.

    Seems like word got around that a foreigner lives there and they probably see you as an easy target.

  2. If they are Jehova Witness just say you have been disfellowshipped. They are brainwashed to shun whoever left the organization so they wont get nowehere near you

  3. I usually just say that I am not interested then close the door. The trick is to only open a few inches so you can close the door immediately.

  4. There’s been just too much trolling recently, although on the bright side at least this one doesn’t blame racism.

  5. “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”

    Geez, I wonder why they keep coming back!? Truly what a mystery!

    Why do these people seem to never have tried, you know, actually telling them to piss off?

    All these recommendations here for things like notices on the door and literally anything except opening your mouth to let them know you aren’t interested.

  6. I live next door to a Jehovah witness “church” and I’ve never had them come to my door. I’m actually kinda sad.

  7. Sounds like BS. I’ve lived here for 6 years and no one’s rang my doorbell for this once, but the OP gets it all the time? Doesn’t make sense.

  8. So they are your `co-workers`? Sounds like you work for a church or a non Christian sect like a Buddhist one or for `Happy Science` or whatever. So you already know why. In which case why are you posting this?

  9. I had this happen last summer. I accidentally opened the door once thinking it was the neighborhood 回覧板 for it to only be a cultist And then this lady would continue to come to my house at the same time every day for 2 and a half weeks ( I work from home so I’d see her standing in front of my door through my intercom.

    I needn’t have to remind you how blistering hot it was last summer. First few times I was concerned that the loon would pass out from a heat stroke but eventually nature won and she pissed off lol

    the best you can do is ignore them. Keep your door locked, don’t make any indication you are inside or tease them. Even though it might seem funny or they “deserve it” it’s best to not engage. If they pass out or look to be having an emergency make a phone call to emergency services and just say you noticed something like someone having what seems to be a medical emergency in your neighborhood maybe but I personally wouldn’t open the door.

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