Bars/Izakaya… Oh Boy

Greetings from Okinawa! So recently my spouse and I have been into the bar scene despite living in Okinawa and traveling around Japan since 2019 or so. Last year really got into Izakayas but after an awesome trip to Fukuoka and finally making what I hope is a lifelong friend at a Yatai we’re planning a little anniversary trip to Tokyo.

(Looking back at this intro I can see that the flow of the paragraph doesn’t make any sense, I was just alluding that we’ve been into drinking and the vibes recently)

Anywho, despite traveling to Tokyo many times mainly going there and just spending most of our money around Akiba or various pop-up stores we haven’t bothered or really went out of our way to find bars. With Tokyo being so diverse and I can only imagine how many bars there are in each little city, I figured Reddit would be a good insight into what we’re looking for.

I will preface a little more by saying I have discovered via YouTube Bar 石の花 and The SG Club which seem to be super popular and even a little upscale. Not sure if anyone can add some more info.

For Vibes we do enjoy a calm atmosphere and chill vibes but on the other side of the coin, somewhere that’s festive and full of energy is nice. (Not like a Club/Rave)

Maybe something like a Yatai?

Japanese language isn’t a problem in terms of conversation , rather the more Japanese the better. Not trying to go anywhere that will be filled with tourists.

Lastly, if there’s any cities or areas just to go out and explore on foot we’re more than happy to do so. (Seems like Akasaka might be a good Bar/Nightlife spot)

Thank you for reading through and よろしくお願いします!

by NemesisAlter337

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