Why did some of the maids at akihabara reject to give me their advert slips?

So I was doing this thing where I was going to go to ever maid cafe I can find at aki, so I did a manuever where I accepted every slip the girls in a row were to give people. I got about say 80% of them, but what I don’t understand is why 20% of them would unextend their hand and hide the slip from me as I would get it?

Isn’t it their job to get those slips to people? So why would they care to not give it to me even though I am holding a bunch of pamphlets? Those pamphlets should mean I am an easy mark. Are they viewing me as just a nuisance customer? But why?

by TheChristianAsian

  1. Idk maybe racists/dont like gaijins, or they found it sus you were taking up all leaflets.

  2. As far as I’ve heard it’s mostly a service thing. I’m assuming race here but usually places don’t want to advertise their services to foreigners because they’re afraid they might not be able to service you properly (and have both you and the staff have a bad time). A lot of the maid cafes nowadays target mostly the Japanese audience and probably don’t have anyone who can speak English available.

  3. Alright guys I’ll take this one for the team.


    1. They saw that you already have pamphlets in hand so not going to bother since it’s more competition.

    2. They noticed that you went around collecting pamphlets like some creep and decided not to engage.

    3. All the maids are wirelessly networked with AR eye implants and you were tagged for a specific cafe so others had orders not to hook you.

    Entitlements to maid cafe pamphlets was not something I expected to read when I woke up today but here we are.

  4. The pamphlets mean you aren’t an easy mark. Nobody takes them. The easy marks start talking to the maid and walk with them back to the shop.

  5. Are you a foreigner? Some may be locals only. The maids only have a limited number of slips and if they saw you were just collecting they won’t give them out. Some also like to explain the rules and prices first.

    Grab a take free book. It’s called Moesta+ it’s a catalog/ad of all the establishments and it has the maids twitters.

  6. For the most part, the pamphlets feel more like just “part of the costume” while they’re outside, rather than actual pamphlets to hand out. A lot of those maid cafes are also pseudo girls bars, and earn the majority of their pay if you go with them to “pay for their drinks”, so there’s really no point on wasting a pamphlet on a person who’s not going with them directly (and if you go with them directly, you don’t need the pamphlet either).

  7. Maybe they don’t want your custom. I notice that anyway, some shops, not only maid shops, don’t give flyers to foreigners. Once you notice it then you can spot it easily. This might be because they don’t want to encourage foreign customers to the shop by order of manager or they personally don’t want to do deal with foreigners who probably can’t speak Japanese anyway. I have seen shop owners give a bad look to flyer guys who took a foreigner back to the shop and made it obvious that this was not the kind of the customer he was looking for.

    They are a business and for any reason they choose they don’t want to deal with you. The more you persist the more you make them feel that their decision was in fact right.

  8. Not the first time I’ve seen someone upset to be refused service by a cake purveyor

  9. While we can’t really knownwithout beong able to ask one of these maids….
    Chances are you seemed weird or creepy and they don’t want to subject their coworkers to having to be near you.
    Just go back tomorrow and don’t act so odd and I’m sure you can get a leaflet!

  10. Question for anyone who knows about maid cafes. Is the clientele majority men or do women go also frequently? When I was in Tokyo last year I was shocked as a solo female traveler some of them were handing me leaflets to their cafes.

  11. Wait it’s considered creepy/weird to collect the pamphlets??????? Every time I’m in Akiba I collect every single one without issue. Granted I’ve only been like 5 times. Sometimes they even give tissues too. Ive only ever gone to one cafe though

  12. Last time I went to Akihabara I noticed that traditional maid cafes have sort of been replaced by maid izakayas, maid style girls bars, etc. some of which are bordering on prostitution (it’s not quite that).

    Generally the seedier establishments get the more they avoid foreigners.

    Say, a traditional maid cafe has very little interaction with the customers. It’s definitely more unidirectional with minimal engagement, e.g. playing a fake rehearsed game or something.

    A (maid themed) girls bar or the likes will have more chattiness and perhaps some light touching and getting the clients to stay and drink more. Not only is that more challenging if the client doesn’t speak Japanese, there’s also more room for misunderstandings / going too far, and those places are looking for potential repeat customers. And most simply, they aren’t what a typical foreign tourist for instance would expect or want if they are truly looking for a traditional maid cafe.

    So my guess is simply that you didn’t really collect flyers of traditional maid cafes but slightly different establishments who are not interested in targeting foreigners. And it’s easy to figure out if you are one from clothes and body language.

  13. Are you a foreigner? If so that’s most likely the reason. I’m hispanic and I was with two friends (one white, one vietnamese) in Akihabara and the maids would only hand their flyers to my Vietnamese friend while totally ignoring my white friend and I.

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