To break contract or not to break contract …Thoughts?

I’m struggling at my school. Im a first year ALT in Osaka-shi. I have 4 hours of class per week – if that, so i’m a serious desk-warmer. The students at my senior high school have very low-level english, most of the students come from low-socioeconomic backgrounds and have part-time jobs. Ive been told I can’t join/or make any clubs because the student attendance is so low. I’ve also been restricted with what i can teach because the students are “difficult”, so they prefer not to involve too much activity-based learning and stick to more textbook stuff. I’ve felt as though there’s not a lot of room for me to apply myself.
These things alone would be okay as it was expected to some degree. However, I’ve been increasingly dealing with power harassment from my Kyoto sensei, who sits less than a meter from me at all times in our office. The work culture is generally toxic and its led me to feeling pretty low and anxious. I dread going to work each day. There are more factors that add weight – particularly, the Osaka-fu BoE being absolutely unsupportive upon arrival, and only giving us the minimum 10 days nenkyu (including sick leave) for the year.

My partner and I initially intended on staying for at least 2 years, but we’ve decided not to re-contract. I’m now trying to decide whether I should break contract early and look for another source of income while my partner continues until the end of his contract.

Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

Has anyone here broken contract and managed to stay in Japan?

Would appreciate any advice/thoughts, ty xx

by reserch_amSiemceT

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