Queries on moving to Japan

Hello, im in my mid teens and I want to make the move to Japan before 2030(i know its a long way out but just hear me out), ive wanted to do this ever since i was around 6 or 7 because my uncle used to live in kawasaki and from what he showed me i really liked the place, i only recently moved to texas around a year ago after living in singapore for 13 years of my life, from what i’ve been told the social norms are somewhat similar though i think singapore is a bit more direct. I plan to obtain a degree in ML/AI and have taken steps towards getting into a university that aligns with the requirements for the j-find visa(tell me if im wrong on this please).
I’ve planned out sort of a schedule to learn japanese over this summer and im taking more and more steps to learn the culture, i know of the downsides and im not going to overlook them as most fantasizers do, but I want to move to japan because in my eyes its not only a great place, but it offers everything singapore had to offer but upsized, cars are my life blood and im into cars a lot so thats a main push factor for me, and also the nature and food, cars and natures being the biggest factors. I dont expect anything from japan but what ive stated previously and those are categories where japan excels.
Could yall let me know what yall think?

by steeringwheel2343

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